Sunday, July 10, 2011

The start of a very important birthday week!

Willa will turn 2 this week!!!  On Thursday, to be exact.  Here is one of our very first family pictures that we took after bringing the bean home from the hospital.  It is amazing how it feels like that was forever ago and just weeks ago both at the same time...She was so tiny!  I was so big! the same size!  (I think he might have one less piercing, a few more tattoos:)  I love to look back at pictures of her and remember her personality as it developed.  She has always been a funny kid!
Such a nice picture with her papa, just a few days old.  Seeming to be so breakable.  But we didn't break her!  Or lose her, or forget to feed her...Success!
This picture was taken on her six month birthday.  Still no hair but crazy-funny and super-smart!

First birthday!  A whole year ago.  Saying just a few words, eating a few things, not yet walking.  No hair.  Still.

And would you look at that?!?  HAIR!!!  Lots of curly, springy, blonde hair!  What a munchkin.  Quick Willa story, while I have your attention.  Yesterday I was cleaning some junk out of my car when we got home from a busy day.  Will crawled into the front seat and was pretending to drive.  I ran inside with an armload of the junk and when I came back out, she had strapped her stuffed dog completely into her carseat, propped up my checkbook in front of him so he could read, and crawled back into the front seat.  She told me "Goggie book.  Drive to Gramma's." 
Willa, we hope that you have a super-fun week that is all about you.  You are our absolute favorite.


  1. I am so excited to give Willa her gifts, I'll leave it up to the Moma if she gets to open them early or not. ;)

    -Joy (Brant doesn't talk like that) although he's excited too...

  2. Happy Birthday my little sweetheart! I had a fabulous morning with you!!! Grandma
