Friday, July 1, 2011

Killer shades, chica

Baby Gap was having a really good sale.  And I went.  Ooops!  But seeing Willa in these sunglasses makes every penny I spent worth it.  She has always shown an interest in my sunglasses but I didn't really think she would wear them if I got her a pair of her very own.  But these were on clearance and they are oh so very movie star, don't you think? 
Now that we have ooohed and aaahed over my sleeping baby...I was having a moment the other day where I was just marveling at how perfectly perfect she is.  I'm kind of either getting used to or getting over the whole "my body made a human being and she is whole and complete and living" thing.  I think just because she is getting so big and grown up and she isn't quite so tiny and fragile anymore.  Now, I'm on to just how amazingly smart she is and how she learns new things by the minute.  She says all the words.  Not that you can understand them all but she says them.  She is stringing together 2 and sometimes 3 or 4 words.  She tells stories.  She makes faces that are appropriate to situations.  She ROLLS HER EYES at me.  She listens in church.  A few weeks ago, Pastor Craig was praying and Willa was digging through my purse and pulling out all of my receipts and business cards.  She looked completely INattentive.  Pastor used the word "presence" like, being in the presence of God or something to that affect.  Willa stopped what she was doing/destroying and said (loudly)  "Presents?!?  Happy party presents???  Me???"  Oh boy.  That's my little buddy, always thinking about parties.  And presents.  She has also been very focused on friends lately.  Pretty much, anyone whose name she can remember is her friend.  And she wants them to do everything with her.  The obviously fun things like coming to her birthday party, swimming, running.  But she has also told me to invite friends when we are eating, shopping, and sitting on the potty.  Hmmmm.  C'mon over!
And, that is Willa, in a nut shell.  Just a few weeks before she turns 2!

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