Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Every day starts off innocently enough

The first ever celebration happened at the mini farm on Sunday and it was...um...a success?!?  No one was killed?  No, I'm sure no one was killed.  That is all I'm sure of. 
We didn't quite get the to-do list finished, but we did hit all the important things like food, clean floors, and keg.  Didn't get all the way done with the trim painting or trimming the dogs nails but we'll get there.  The night started off with some dirtbike riding and food.  Brad and Sean did jump the smoke bomb, which was visually stunning.  I believe there is a video on YouTube.  I'll try to find it.  I even took my first spin around the track.  It was ugly but it got done.  I prefer the yard, where there are no hills.  After the sun went down, things took a turn for the "inappropriate" a.k.a. the fireworks got a little dangerous and shortly thereafter the keg ran out.  So that is when the little ones went to bed.  Willa at Grandma and Grandpa's and baby Jackson borrowed her crib.  But Willa didn't leave before a little country music dancing with her parents, swimming with Jackson, riding a pink Ninja, petting some frogs, and spending some quality time with her Auntie brooke and Uncle Chris.  (That makes them sound like a couple.  Which they are not.  They just happen to be 2 of her favorite people.)  Many, many thanks to everyone who came to help us break in the mini farm.  I apologize if you were in any way burned or if my husband shot you with a parachute.  I do recall saying (more than once), "Why is my yard on fire?  Could someone please put out the fire in my yard?"  But I don't ever remember being too concerned about the fires so yes, the night was a success.  I think that 4th of July parties may just become annual for us. 

PS:  YouTube video located, click link above.  Major excitement:)  I will share more pictures when mom, the photographer, gets her pictures to download properly.

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