Friday, July 15, 2011

Our little mechanic

These are just a few of the pictures that our favorite Auntie brooke took for us as a Father's Day gift to Brad.  We snuck his dirtbike and a few tools out into the yard and bribed Willa (with cookies) to sit on it.  No bribery was necessary for her to poke at it with the tools though.  She LOVES to help Brad fix things.  The other day, he was laying underneath the bobcat, working on it.  So she layed underneath her tricycle and worked on it, too.  (And yes, I did say bobcat.  It is STILL in our driveway, broken.)  Today we were driving in Brad's truck and he had a part to a boat in a box.  She saw the part sticking out of the box and said "boat."  She saw Brad take the broken part off of the boat and recognized that this was the same part for the boat.  That is one smart cookie!