Saturday, February 18, 2012

Let's Pretend This Never Happened: (A Mostly True Memoir)

A very big and important moment in my life just happened.  I preordered The Bloggess's book.  How on earth am I going to pass the time until it ships in April???  I guess by just living my life, and reading less-than-amazing books.  I am aware that some of my readers (there are about 9 of you) are also fans of The Bloggess, and so I have decided to host a "book club" of sorts as soon as the book has been out long enough to have read it, and maybe loaned it to a friend to read.  So maybe sometime in May.  Keep this in mind.  Pretty much it would just be an excuse to get together and drink a lot but that's OK, right?!?  Maybe have some snacks, share our favorite part of the book, drink some more...oh my goodness I can't wait.
For now, just in case you haven't discovered the magic that is Jenny Lawson, I am going to provide you with a few of my personal favorite posts, to get you hooked so that you want to come to this special "book club" meeting, too:)
These puppies weren't my fault
How to make your husband think you're a witch
Its like a hoodie but with fangs
Phone koozies
And then I saw a Sasquatch on the road
That's why I'm not allowed to be here unsupervised
It kind of feels like a hollow victory
And that's why you should learn to pick your battles

OK, that was way more than I intended to provide and I didn't even go back that far.  I was just having lots of fun rereading the posts.  Enjoy!!


  1. Oh my, I wish I lived closer, I would sooooo be in! Did you preorder in time to get it autographed?

  2. Shoot, Michelle I don't know! It didn't mention an autograph. I wish you lived closer, too:)

    1. There was something on her blog about how to get one that was autographed, but I read it in a sleep deprived state and I can't remember exactly how it worked. If you could stall your book club till the first week of July, I would totally come, but that would be a terribly long time to wait :)! I wonder if I can get my work book club to read it...hmmmm...

  3. Ahhhhh!!! You ordered the book?! Can I be the first on your list to borrow it? I cannot wait to read it! And I will absolutely come to your book club party - if I am invited.

    Heck, maybe I should just buy the book myself. Not sure the public libraries are going to have this one on their shelves.

  4. Amy you for sure can be first to borrow the book! And I wouldn't have the book club without you:) I was thinking the same thing about the I went ahead and ordered. I bet I'll want to read it more than once.
