Friday, September 9, 2011

Waiting on Melody Miller

Beware, rambling blog post to follow.
First and foremost on my mind right now is Willa's bedroom.  Without saying too much, and therefore committing myself to anything that I will end up destroying, the most important item I need is some fabric.  I want to violently rip down and jackhammer the closet doors in her room and install some sort of track that fabric curtains can slide on.  I have a few very specific criteria for said fabric, in that it cannot be too girly, or too youngish, or too plain or too crazy.  I had all but given up on my quest until this morning when I got my daily Decor8 blog email and in it were some new fabrics from a designer named Melody Miller.  In amongst them was the Holy Grail of "just a smidge girly, kind of grown up, great color scheme, I'm in love" fabric.
TA-DA!!!  (Willa's own words.  She has been saying ta-da a lot lately.  She holds things up and says "ta-da" like they are the coolest things on earth, even if they are dried up grapes that she dropped on the floor 6 days ago.) 
So, I found it.  But now I have been scouring the Internets for where to buy it.  It seems the answer is...nowhere.  Its just a giant, rude, fabric-tease.  So I took a chance and sent a whiny, begging email to Melody Miller herself.  Now comes that anxiety filled game of checking my email every 9 minutes to see if maybe, just maybe she wrote me back.  Please Melody Miller.  Just this once.  I cannot proceed with the reinvention of my 2 year old's room until I have this fabric.  Fabric is one of those words that when you say it (or type it) too many times, it becomes a non-word.  Fabric, fabric, fabric.

In other is the 5 year anniversary of our wedding!  We probably won't do anything magical or romantic today, as I have to work and then work some more and also because we are Brad and Allison and we don't do magical and romantic very well, BUT we did go to Kansas City together last weekend and are headed to Estes Park on Monday.  That is my kind of celebrating!  It has been a wild 5 years, and I can't imagine having had such a good time with any other person.

Look at those youthful people!  What a nice day our wedding day was.  Remember how it poured rain and it was an outdoor ceremony and reception???  But for some reason, that made it great.  I think the thing I like the most about weddings is how they bring together all of your favorite people from all the areas of your life into the same place, and everyone is in such a good mood all together and all in your honor.

And yes, I have checked my email twice while finishing this post.  No response from my good friend Melody.  Maybe I should have invited her to my wedding.  There was some lovely fabric there.