Monday, September 19, 2011

Ikea loot

I stinkin' love Ikea.  Maybe I wouldn't love it so much if I lived in a city that had an Ikea but I don't.  Or maybe I wouldn't be giddy about going there if I were rich and didn't need to take advantage of plastic bag organizers for $1.99 but I'm not rich.  The el-cheapo Swedish meals in the little cafeteria don't hurt either.  We spent the last day of our vacation at the new Ikea in Centennial (Denver).  We allotted for about 3 hours.  We stayed for about 6.  Oops.  We got back to Lincoln at 4am.  Totally worth it.  Here is what I can remember of our final shopping list: 
-Hopen bed for master bedroom
-Expedit bookshelf w/five openings for living room
-curtains and other gear for Willa's closet makeover
-15 or so white picture frames
-stuffed dog
-measuring spoons
-salad spinner
-tiny table and chairs for Willa's tea parties
-a few things for the Petermann bean
-aforementioned plastic bag organizer
-toilet bowl brush
-kitchen light fixtures (3) and bulbs

I think that was all.  I am anxious to get it all put together and start making Willa's room a toddler wonderland:)

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