My favorite! |
I think Willa told her first lie while we were on vacation. I mean, sure. She has said things before that aren't true, like that the scratches on her arm are from a tiny bear or dad only let her eat 1 marshmallow before breakfast but this one was a well thought out lie. We were having mini-bagels and cream cheese for breakfast at our little cabin and Willa was just licking the cream cheese off the bagel and not taking any bites. I tried to tell her that she should eat it and that she needed lots of energy for hiking and she seemed ok with that idea. About 10 minutes later when we were all ready to head out the door, the bagel was completely gone! I was pretty surprised that she ate it that fast, but I didn't see it anywhere and neither did Brad. I asked her if she ate it and she said "All gone. In tummy." Silly me, I believed her. Probably even praised her for being such a good eater. We stepped outside the cabin and there on our little porch, was a bagel with the cream cheese all licked off. No bites taken out of it. Willa faked a look of shock and then looked from her stomach, to the bagel, to me with a look on her face that first said "I have no idea how that got there" but quickly changed to "I am so busted." I asked her how her bagel got on the porch and she looked down and said. "Threw it." What on earth. I couldn't not laugh but I also realized that its hard to explain to a 2 year old why you shouldn't tell lies. She also told us on this trip that she poops Pound Puppies. It is possible in our family that we talk a little too freely and openly about poop.
That cracks me up!!! Wait until she is a teenager!