Monday, July 30, 2012

A Necessity For Someone Who Likes Marshmallows As Much As Me

We decided that our "big" yard project this summer would be our fire pit.  (It really wasn't that big of a project.  But we are lazy and poor this summer:)  We had fire pit visions from the first time we looked at this house last year.  We put the metal ring in right away, and it was certainly usable in the sense of being a fire pit, but we had intended to make it a little prettier and more substantial all along.  I won't even show you the pictures of fire pits that I pinned, as ours look nothing like the gorgeous, modern works of art that I drooled over.  But I must say that I am proud of the nice little area that we created all by ourselves and pretty darn inexpensively.  Bringing the supplies home from Menards took several trips, as those pieces of concrete are REALLY heavy!  Like tons and tons and tons of heaviness!

While Brad and I worked, Willa discovered new yard friends like the super fuzzy caterpillar and the worm that she named Abbey (and made a bed for and fed grass to and then pulled into several pieces which she called his brothers and sisters).

 Doesn't it look like my dad is a great supervisor??

We had a bit of a time trying to figure out what to do with the edges of our pit.  The pavers we were using were designed to make a square or diamond shape but we really wanted it to turn out round.  So after we had created a somewhat roundish shape, Brad broke the extra pavers into chunks, then we used little rocks to fill in the spaces between the pavers and the edging.  It worked out perfectly!

Ta-da!  What a lovely place to make s'mores, to read a magazine and have a cup of coffee, or just to sit and look into the fire.  I can totally picture Willa having slumber parties some day and all the little chick-a-dee birds sitting around telling ghost stories. 

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