Saturday, October 1, 2011

Who did you hug on Sept. 30th?

As an interested vegetarian, I get text messages from PETA.  They keep me informed of things.  I do wish they would send out the annual reminder for "Hug A Vegetarian Day" a day or two in advance.  So maybe I could plan something or get a button or something.  I did not receive a single hug related to what I do (or in this case DO NOT) eat.  I asked a coworker and covegetarian if he received any of said hugs.  He said that he in fact did not and also that he would "fall over f-ing dead" if I ever voluntarily hugged him.  Or anyone for that matter.  He said he would think it was more normal if the housekeeping worker whom he had never been introduced to gave him a hug than me.  Ok, ok.  I have issues with personal space, public displays of affection, and spontaneous physical closeness.  That is beside the point.  The point is...I kind of forgot.  Oh yes.  At the end of October, it will officially be five years since I gave up meat for good.  Take THAT all of you (Amber S.) who think I can't stick with things!!!  In the past few years, I have reintroduced some seafood, maybe once a week but I have also eliminated cow's milk and butter from my home.  And I ate a hamburger at a bbq when I was like 10 and a half months pregnant.  And I had a piece of hamburger pizza at a Husker football game once but I was kind of drunk and the crust looked like a good beer sponge.  Kindness to animals (and not eating them) is something that I feel defines a big piece of me.  And yes, I get enough protein.  Any questions about eliminating meat from your diet?  Even once a week?  I have read a lot of nutrition books on the topic.  And I get a kick out of reading vegan cookbooks.  That is what working night shifts does to me. 

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