Monday, October 10, 2011

Let food be thy medicine

Hippocrates is pretty old school, but "Let food be thy medicine" has long been one of my favorite quotes.  I just spent the last hour and a half watching a new documentary called Forks Over Knives and I would love for each and every person that I care about in my life to also watch it.  The film gives a very in-depth and science based explanation as to why our cultures' current diet is killing us.  Sounds dramatic, but it really is.  I urge you, if you have a Netflix account, watch this film.  Its not action packed, or funny, or visually entertaining but we all need to hear these statistics.  Normally, when I read about plant-based diets, I am doing so to learn more about the welfare of the animals or the impact on our environment that meat production has, this film took a different approach.  If you are a dude, or someone of the opinion that you need tons of protein, there is even an interview with a vegan MMA fighter, a professional triathlete, and a whole fire station full of Texas firefighters who have all adopted a vegan lifestyle. 

So...go.  Watch.  Then call me and we can discuss:)

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