Monday, December 12, 2011

Margaritas with my senoritas

Mom, Willa and I had the best time the other night at El Toro.  Willa is such a ham!  She *may* have had a small, teeny, tiny taste of mom's strawberry margarita while chewing on her straw and I think it was just enough to make her loco.  We laughed till there were tears in our eyes!  Then on the drive home, she found a cookie that she had put in her cup holder a few days before and she said "OMG.  Where'd this cookie come from?"  Where does she get this stuff???  And speaking of Willa saying stuff, today on the way home from Grandma and Grandpa's, she asked me "Where do babies come from?"  I wasn't sure I heard that correctly so I asked her to repeat herself.  "Where do babies come from?  And tiny, tiny puppies?"  She's 2, people!  2!  I thought that was a question more for like, 5 year olds!  Or kids whose mom's are pregnant.  Not 2 year olds!  She wasn't quite satisfied with my lame-o answer about how they grow in mom's tummy because its just a good place to grow.  When I asked her why she was asking about babies, she said something about Beethoven.  I might have to watch that movie...

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