Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The pictures really make us look like alcoholics. Eh.

Last weekend, I laughed a lot.  Thanks to these girls.  Girls that I have known and loved since grade school (except for brooke.  Wait that sounded like maybe I don't love brooke.  I do, but only since 6th grade.  Not that she was really horrible before that.  Well, maybe she was but if she was then she was being horrible in Worms, Ne and not Grand Island, Ne.  Get it?)  For the most part, we have stayed in a pretty close proximity to one another since high school, and made sure that we saw each other regularly.  Then, Amy went and moved to Lawrence, Kansas.  Which as it turns out is not that far away and is a great place to go on a little road trip!  

On our road trip, we ate waffles, went shopping, drank beer, played cards, drank wine, played cards, had dinner at a brewery, took shots, painted our nails, ate brownies, injured each other playing cards, talked, laughed, cried, and drank peach schnapps smoothies.  I think it was a weekend that we all needed.  

I am so, so very thankful for these girls.  Our lives have all gotten so hectic, and the miles between us has grown, but we still make time for each other.  We can still sit around in our pajamas and eat junk food and talk about boys/stress/kids/401k's/books/pretty much anything and feel completely comfortable.  I am already excited for our next girl's weekend.  I also have an itch to start planning some sort of tropical vacation.  Maybe for our 40th birthdays?!?

1 comment:

  1. I think we just look like a bunch of friends having a really great time!!! So glad you guys made the trip was a great time!!!
