Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fresh ink

About a billion years ago (or maybe 2 or 3) Brad gave me a nice, big gift certificate to Iron Brush to get a new tattoo.  At the time I think I just really wanted one, but didn't really know what.  Then I thought I knew what I wanted, but never had time to make an appointment.  Then, it turns out, I wanted something completely different so I guess I'm glad I waited a billion years.  Because I am completely in love with the tattoo I got on Tuesday.

Please bare in mind that this picture was taken about an hour after it was complete, so it was very red and gooey and kinda gross.  That was 2 hours of feeling like someone was sawing on my ribs with a dull steak knife, but totally worth it.  Maybe its like this for all folks who like tattoos, but I find the feeling almost soothing, in a really weird way.  Its like, I know that it hurts, but you can almost make your mind go to another place and actually enjoy it.  Like how some people enjoy massages, or spa treatments.  I like to sit under the needle, I guess.  Weird?  I'm not sure.  Brad kind of agreed with me.  I've got to admit though, that it doesn't feel quite so therapeutic in the days following.  I feel like I got hit by a pack of semi trucks and then burned with blow torches.  And I have heard that this feeling can last for weeks.  Something about the rib area, I think because my last tattoo did not hurt for weeks.

Despite the uncomfortable last few days, I like my happy little reminder.  Love one another.  I just don't think it will ever go out of style:)  Ooooooh, and the awesome lettering?  The great Dave Nelson of Secret Penguin fame.  If you've ever seen any of his work, you probably recognized it.  And a quick plug for something AWESOME that they are doing...The Unofficial SecretPenguin Foundation. Giving a bit of money to those in need.  I think we all know that there are times when it gets rough, and having someone help you out with the essentials can take a huge weight off your shoulders so you can focus on family, and getting back on your feet.  What a cool idea.  Love one another. If you would like to give a donation, there is a paypal link on the SecretPenguin facebook page.  Now, pardon me while I go baby my aching ribs.  If you see me and I act even more like I don't want you to touch me than I usually do, don't take offense.  I nearly drop-kicked Willa when she sat on my side the other morning.

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